
The AxeCAST is free every month for everyone. However, the public AxeCAST, is just the beginning. Enrolling or supporting the Axe Academy unlocks the extended Axe episode and video episodes that accompany the free audio podcast every month. Listening is one thing but deeper learning is another.

Check out a few episodes of the AxeCAST below, or search for "The Axe Academy" on any major podcast platform. When you are ready to journey deeper, Become a student of the Axe Academy.
Released: July 16, 2018
The Table
Released: June 11, 2018
Aprile Showers
Released: May 3, 2018
Are You Lucky?
Released: March 17, 2018
What Is Good Leadership
Released: March 3, 2018
Why Is Life Sacred?
Released: February 8, 2018
The Reason For Christmas
Released: December 18, 2017
Christmas Fear
Released: December 1, 2017
Released: November 1, 2017
6 Creative Mountains
Released: October 6, 2017