Mental Toughness

No matter what your dream or vision is, it will take one thing to achieve it: Mental Toughness. Develop the cognitive fitness and mental toughness needed to have and achieve bigger dreams and visions.

Culture Engagement

The world is asking many questions that we know the answers but don't know how to answer. This 4 part course looks at what it takes to answer and engage in the difficult questions in a way that is life giving, encouraging, equipping, and challenging.

Career and Calling

One of the biggest questions in life is "What am I supposed to do?" This course will give you the guidelines and define key terms needed to navigate and answer this question.


identify areas of your life that are plagued with a spirit of comparison and replace them with a spirit of compassion and collaboration.


Noise. It’s everywhere. Televisions blaring out commercials, opinions shouted over the radio, the internet and its unlimited distractions, all of the tasks and choices that you know don’t really matter. Always intensifying, becoming a deep part of our everyday cycle, our now hurried lives.

The Six Creative Mountains

Everyone is creative and everyone is creating. Everyone who is creating has also experienced the difficult task of overcoming these six creative mountains that I have identified that stand between you and your creation.

C4 Communication Coaching

Like any art form, communication is something that can be mastered. One who has mastered communication has moved beyond being a speaker, beyond a communicator, and has become an orator. C4 is a communication process and coaching that is designed to help you move beyond a speaker, and become an orator.

Christ's Teachings

Course: Static Jedi
Instructor: Eric Samuel Timm
Objective: To learn how to manage the noise of life and how to hear and discern the voice of God.
Start Course
Course: The New Modern Atheist
Instructor: Alan Pastian
Objective: To learn to navigate a conflicted culture with confidence as a Christian.
Start Course
Course: Sabbath
Instructor: Eric Samuel Timm
Objective: To learn the need and call to honoring the Sabbath and develop a personal practice.
Start Course

Critical Thinking

Course: Mental Toughness
Instructor: Eric Samuel Timm
Objective: To develop the cognitive fitness and mental toughness needed to have and achieve bigger dreams and visions.
Start Course
Course: The Politics of the Mind
Instructor: Alan Pastian
Objective: To develop the cognitive fitness and mental toughness needed to have and achieve bigger dreams and visions.
Start Course
Course: How To Read The Bible
Instructor: Eric Samuel Timm
Objective: To learn how to approach the sacred texts of the Bible.
Start Course

Career and Calling

Course: Career and Calling
Instructor: Eric Samuel Timm
Objective: This 5 part course will help you get a lay of the land to discover what it is you are to do and become.
Start Course
Course: Dreams
Instructor: Eric Samuel Timm
Objective: To identify and develop the 4 common virtues that every person who successfully chases their dream has.
Start Course
Course: Success
Instructor: Alan Pastian
Objective: To properly define what success is and isn't and to take steps to align ourselves to it.
Start Course

Character Development

Course: Comparison
Instructor: Eric Samuel Timm
Objective: Be able to identify areas of your life that are plagued with a spirit of comparison and replace them with a spirit of compassion.
Start Course
Course: The Original You
Instructor: Alan Pastian
Objective: To discover and develop the original God has called you to be.
Start Course

Communication Skills

Course: C4 Communication
Instructor: Eric Samuel Timm
Objective: To learn and understand the foundations of becoming a better communicator.
Start Course

Culture Engagement

Course: Culture Engagement
Instructor: Eric Samuel Timm
Objective: to learn and develop the qualities and characteristics needed to engage and answer the tough questions being asked in a compassionate, non-conforming way.
Start Course

Creative Power

Course: 6 Creative Mountains
Instructor: Eric Samuel Timm
Objective: To summit the 6 creative mountains that stand between us and the dreams and visions God has given us to create.
Start Course